Finding the “right” fit can be a challenge without the added dimension of adoption! But, as an adoptive parent or adoptee, it is often helpful to see someone who is sensitive to adoption issues.
“I have no idea what’s going on with her?” “I don’t know how to help.” “Why is he doing this?” As an adoptive parent, there’s so much to worry about! You not only have garden-variety parent stresses but you have the added layer of adoption. It’s painful to see your child struggling and as his or her parent, you want to do everything you can! I see adopted children and teens who are struggling in a myriad of ways. For some, the problems are new, for others, ongoing.
Our lives are a collection of stories. How we narrate our own lives, our words reflect meaning. This is particularly salient for adoptees and parents who can’t access their basic life facts and demographics.
Some are generally thriving but have hit a life snag that could use some attention. Others struggle just to get through the day.
Useful for adult adoptees navigating
- school/jobs/career
- family/intimate relationships
- search and/or reunion
- racial identity
- grief and loss