What are the time commitments for the Open Circles and ATM (Adoption, Teenhood & Mental Health) Group?
Well, the Open Circles group is once a month for 60 minutes and open to any and all adoptive parents.
The ATM group is twice a month for 90 minutes and is especially for parents of adopted teens and young adults who have struggled with mental health issues.
Do I need to attend every session?
In the Open Circles group, each session is recorded and available on a private password-protected Vimeo site. If you cannot attend a session and are interested in asking a question, you can always email me beforehand and I can read and address it.
In the ATM Group, ideally you’d attend at least part of every session, but we’d still love to have you even if you can only watch the replays!
How many parents are in each group?
The ATM group tends to be smaller, six to eight at most. The Open Circles group will likely be around 15-25 families.
What inspired you to do these groups?
I’ve been leading groups for children and adoptive parents for many years, almost as long as I’ve been a psychotherapist. But, especially after I published, “Parenting in the Eye of the Storm: The Adoptive Guide to Navigating the Teen Years,” I heard from numerous adoptive parents who shared how essential it was in their parenting. I continued to want to reach more families, in addition to those in my private practice.
Also, it’s hard to feel empowered alone! This is also true for adoptive parents. And, the more empowered and informed adoptive parents can be, the more they can do what’s right for their family.
How much is each group?
The ATM group is $1500 through June, 2020. It meets twice monthly for 90 minutes. I realize that it’s a financial investment, but let’s reflect for a moment on how much you spend on your children, without giving it a second thought. This is just for you, and you’re incredibly powerful and important in their lives! It includes the Open Circles group, as well.
The Open Circles group is $497 and perfect for adoptive parents who want to make sure that they’re on the right track, and find comfort in knowing that they always have a place to bring their questions and concerns.
How do I register?